Systematic Zoology
Core Course
Takafumi Nakano
- 部屋
- Science Building 2, Room 328
- Phone
- 075-753-4091
- fax
- 075-753-4114
- nakano(at mark)
Taku Okamoto
- 部屋
- Science Building 2, Room 316
- Phone
- 075-753-4074
- tak(at mark)
Masaharu Motokawa
- 部屋
- Kyoto University Museum
- Phone
- 075-753-3287
- motokawa.masaharu.6m(at mark)
Our laboratory is engaged in natural history research centered on systematics, mainly targeting inland animals. Elucidation of species diversity and accumulation of ocurrence data—how many species are present on this earth and how they are distributed—, elucidation of morphological and genetic geographical variation as well as phylogenetic relationships, and the establishment and revision of the classification system are the basis of biodiversity research. Furthermore, based on systematic studies, we are challenging speciation and functional morphology with the aim of elucidating the natural history and evolutionary history of various taxa. We use morphological and genetic methods based on specimens collected by fieldwork or kept at museums.
Students’ research subjects and research themes are decided in consultation with faculty members, with an emphasis on student interest and independence. The research targets of faculty members and students are diverse, including vertebrates (Motokawa and Okamoto), mainly mammals and reptiles, and invertebrates (Nakano) such as leeches, arachnids, and amphipods.